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5 Underrated movies which are worthy for repeat views


What of the much-appreciated yet little mentioned flicks that you can watch time and time again, yet nobody else seems to have heard of? That’s what i am writing about today. We’re outlining 5 underrated yet repeat view worthy films that u can watch on a lazy sunday morning.

1. The Way of the Gun (2000) :

This movie, quite possibly, one of the best action/crime film I’ve seen . It is a wildly ambitious, heedlessly overplotted Tarantino kind of movie, it marks the directorial debut of Christopher McQuarrie, who won an Oscar for his screenplay of The Usual Suspects. If you love crime films, or movies about really badass people doing very badass things, then Way of the Gun is the perfect fit.

2. Jack Reacher (2012) :

The second movie in the list which coincidentally another Christopher McQuarrie movie. This movie a film adaptation of author Lee Child’s famous military investigator, Jack Reacher where Tom Cruise play the titular character.

One thing that went against the movie is misfortune of being marketed as a Mission: Impossible spinoff. If you are an action movie geek then this one is your best bet. The film, had a mediocre run at the domestic box office with $80 million domestic gross along with $135 million added from worldwide performance.

P.S: The sequel Jack Reacher:Never Go Back had collected less money compared to first one and also received negative reviews from both viewers and reviewers.

3. The F Word (WHAT IF ) 2013 :

Third movie in the list is The F word. Based on TJ Dawe and Michael Rinaldi's play ‘Toothpaste and Cigars’. The F Word (released in some countries as What If) a 2013 romantic comedy film directed by Michael Dowse and written by Elan Mastai.

Star cast include Daniel Radcliffe, Zoe Kazan, Megan Park, Adam Driver, Mackenzie Davis and Rafe Spall. The film revolves around Wallace who tries avoid being friendzoned by Chantry. Termed as the best love story since 500 Days of Summer this movie did not blast fireworks at the BO. This move is one of the underperformed movies from our Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe.

If you are in Love or Friendzoned this sweet movie will make ur day.

4. FEARLESS (1993) :

Perhaps the most underrated film of the 1990s. The brilliant Bridges and an Oscar-nominated Rosie Perez play traumatized survivors of a jet crash (terrifyingly rendered), who teach each other how to live again. This darkly comic and emotionally bruising film is alive with fresh provocations. It is like a short story that shines a bright light, briefly, into a corner where you usually do not look.

This movie makes you realize how routine, a life can become and how we people got stuck up in cliches.

5. PREMIUM RUSH (2012) :

Premium Rush is another forgotten and underrated gem which has made it's way into this list. This adrenaline pumping film written and directed by David Koepp. The movie is the story of one day in the life of a New York City bike messenger, Wilee (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) chased around New York City by a corrupt police officer who wants an envelope the messenger has.

Premium Rush, is perfect movie for a Friday night or a hungover Saturday. It is well-crafted, tight little gem with spot-on performances and top quality stunt work.

Of course, there are other movies to watch beside these movies, but if you’re clueless about what to watch, this is a great list! Enjoy!


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